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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Using Putty to connect to Google Linux Instance

1. Create a linux instance on google compute. 

2. Download WinSCP and install it. This will give you PuttyGen, which is needed to create a key that we'll use to connect to the instance. 

3. Using PuttyGen, create a new key pair. 


4. Copy the public key like shown in the above image. Save both the public and private keys from this screen for future use. You will need the private key file to connect using Putty. 

5. Logon to the Google Developers Console and navigate to 'Compute > Compute Engine > Metadata > SSH Keys' and click on Edit. 

6. In the blank field, paste the public key that you copied from Puttygen and Save. 

7. Go to Putty now. 

8. In the host name, type in the username and IP of the instance in this format: username@ipaddress. Eg. matthew@

9. Leave everything else as default on this screen. 
10. Click on 'Connection' on the left and select SSH to expand it. 
11. Select 'Auth' under SSH and browse for the private key that you saved in PuttyGen.

12. This is it. You can save this session for future use if you want but at this point, you should be able to connect via ssh to your instance on Google Compute.
5 RakshaTec: Using Putty to connect to Google Linux Instance 1. Create a linux instance on google compute.  2. Download WinSCP and install it. This will give you PuttyGen, which is needed to creat...

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